Paul Revere Heritage Project


2008 Paul Revere’s Ride Reenactment Video

The 2008 reenactment of the ride was held in Boston on April 21. It occurs annually on the Patriot’s Day, which is a holiday in Massachusetts on the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

The popular event recreates the ride of two patriot messengers, Paul Revere and William Dawes. Both journeys take approximately 2.5 hours, but follow different paths.

The group that conducts the annual ride is called The National Lancers, a ceremonial volunteer militia unit in Massachusetts, which was established in 1836. Apparently they have done it quite few times – the 2008 year reenactment was 231st. Sgt Chris Tobin was this year’s Paul Revere and Matthew Johnson was William Dawes.

Here is the schedule of Revere’s ride.

10:30 am - Leave from Hanover Street, Boston, North End

10:50 am - Arrive in Charlestown, City Square

11:20 am - Arrive in Somerville Foss Park

12:00 pm - Arrive in Medford, Route 60 Gaffery's Funeral Home

1:00 pm - Arrive in Lexington Green, Mass Ave

Unlike the actual midnight ride, the reenactment usually starts at 10:30 am at Hanover Street in Boston’s North End. As you can see in the video, the reenactor rides directly from Revere’s house in Boston’s North End. This is another deviation from the fact - during the actual event Revere made the first leg of his journey from Boston to Charlestown on feet. Of course for reenactment purposes this wouldn’t have been as much fun.

Interestingly enough the annual Revere’s Ride competes with another mega-event held on the Patriot’s day, the Boston Marathon.

Also see Midnight Ride documentary video